Fans React to the Nike England Kit Flag Design
Nike and the FA hit the headlines recently after their controversial redesign of the St George’s Cross. The 2024 England kit features a purple, blue and red cross instead of the traditional red on white background.
In response, Nike described the change as “a playful update to the cross of St George” but it’s safe to say that most of you are not too pleased with the design!
Here’s a selection of the e-mails we received (by the way we’re only an England fan site, we are not the FA, and so we don’t get a say!)
Your Feedback on the New 2024 England Kit
Did you give permission for the England flag to be changed to this purple nonsense? Our England flag is white with a red cross, how dare an american company nike deface a sovereign country flag, boycott nike, boycott English football, from a proud English woman.
Linda Davies
Whilst I wish only the best to our team entering into any new campaign or games I have to say I hope all of the team refuse to wear this ridiculous new NIKE shirt with the extremely disrespectful change to our national flag. I don’t believe any other country round the world would agree to have their national flag ‘played’ with and cannot believe this has been accepted by the FA, the team and should be returned to our national flag. I would urge anyone not to buy this as it is nor would I have respect for the team if they agree to wear this. Awful just awful!
Jane Springham
Could you please tell me who the faceless idiot who has defaced the cross of St George on the New England strip I for one will not be buying it for my grandchildren until the flag is changed. I find it disgusting that our flag is desecrated in this manner who ever sanctioned this should resign.
Geoff Williams
Good afternoon. I am just writing as I have seen the new kit with the “altered” St George’s flag.
I am a proud English woman and am horrified that Nike would alter a flag that I am extremely proud of and which identifies me as English.
I would ask that the team do not wear any kit where the flag of St George has been defaced.
I also wish the team the very best of luck.Amanda Jenkins
If football doesn’t want to play for England, stand down. It you do, stop insulting the English flag by messing around with it & creating something else. Get rid of the kit & replace it with a kit that includes the English flag. It’s a disgrace & no-one should walk onto a pitch insulting England. Do not play with that insult on the kit.
Roz Frampton
What on earth do you think you are doing getting rid of our English flag, emblem on the shirts. The logo you have no does NOT represent our country. Your PR team should be ashamed in doing this. Right now we need to be proud to be English, not shuffle away like ashamed folk. Get a grip
Wendy Walton
Can I just remind you that England are red and white as the flag shows . Not purple or blue and white. You being the fa should know this and whoever signed off this terrible kit should be taken to task or sacked.
Wallace Clarke
Just a reminder again to Wallace and others that we are NOT the FA 🙂 This is an England fan website, we don’t get a say in the kit or anything else to do with the England team. – Ed
Anyway – what are your thoughts? Do you agree with the fans above, or is anyone actually a fan of the new design? Add your comments below to let us know.